. Creators Quentin Tarantino. cast Christoph Waltz. Reviews In 1858, a bounty hunter named Schultz seeks out a slave named Django and buys him because he needs him to find some men he is looking for. After finding them, Django wants to find his wife, Broomhilda, who along with him were sold separately by his former owner for trying to escape. Schultz offers to help him if he chooses to stay with him and be his partner. Eventually they learn that she was sold to a plantation in Mississippi. Knowing they can't just go in and say they want her, they come up with a plan so that the owner will welcome them into his home and they can find a way. Average Rating 9,3 / 10. Country USA
One of the most inspired scenes involves the Klan members moaning that they can't see through the eye-holes on the hoods over their heads. QT is grandiose and pragmatic, he plays freely with implausibility.
What an interesting film. The soundtrack is to never be forgotten, the acting was simply incredible (Christoph Waltz was especially my favorite in this film) and the story is unique and emotionally moving. Yes, it has the typical plot of one trying to fight back for his girl, but it is SO much more than just that. You witness the reality of the brutality toward the slaves, the compassion of slave- rights activists (such as Christoph Waltz's character) and the reality of needing to always fight for what you want.
If Django Unchained taught me anything, it's that there are more forces out there stopping and discouraging me from achieving my goals in life than there is support; the only option I have is to literally live for and die for success in life. In fact, I don't have any other option than to live like that, unless I am OK going through life with people stepping all over me and my family. What a great film that will leave the viewer with quite a bit more adrenaline to get rid of the real bullies of their lives and finally be happy with who they are.